Variétés Club de France match in Cambrai

Variétés Club de France match in Cambrai on 29 October

On Saturday 29 October, Cambrai Futsal will host Variétés Club de France for a charity match in aid of ELA.

This afternoon of sport and solidarity is an initiative of Salah Berkani, Samuel Touret, Leila Belaskri and Thomas Rolland. Local partners are also mobilised, such as Auchan Cambrai, Decathlon and EPIDE (Public Defence Integration Institution), which are responsible for pre-selling tickets, supplying the 25 volunteers mobilised, as well as the equipment necessary for the smooth running of the match. The city of Cambrai also provides transport for the Variétés Club de France from Paris to Cambrai.

An ELA family will be on hand to raise awareness of the association’s fight and to thank all the volunteers involved in the organisation of this match.

Tickets are already available at the Auchan Cambrai ticket office, at the price of 7€. All proceeds from the evening will be donated to the fight against leukodystrophies.

We would like to warmly thank all the stakeholders of this beautiful project for their mobilization!