Organise “Wear your trainers and beat disease”
A turnkey operation
Taking part in “Wear your trainers and beat disease” means walking, running, challenging yourself, letting off steam, getting some fresh air and putting your energy into a civic and solidarity-based cause!
Schools can organise “Wear your trainers” on a date of their choice. It is a solidarity event, usually sporting, but can also be cultural or educational, during which pupils commit themselves to the ELA cause and symbolically lend their legs to children affected by leukodystrophy who can no longer use them.

Register your institution
Schools can register with the online form or by phone by contacting the “Wear your trainers” team : +33 3 83 33 48 52.
Once registration has been received, ELA will send organizers a free digital kit containing all the campaign’s digital materials (awareness-raising video, teaching aids….) and, by post, all the materials they need to set up their event: posters, bibs, banners, collection media for students, etc.
Raising awareness and providing information
As soon as you register, ELA will send you the awareness-raising material free of charge. Upon receipt of the materials provided by ELA, the teachers organize themselves to inform the students (by class or group of classes) and talk about the fight against leukodystrophies using the ELA awareness video.
To raise awareness effectively, it is essential that the awareness-raising video (approximatively 13 minutes) is shown and commented on to all participants. You can then distribute the collection materials, making clear the instructions for use.
Collecting donations
The students look for people in their circle of acquaintances who agree to reward their sporting effort for the benefit of ELA by making a donation or a pledge thanks to the materials provided by the association.
Since its creation in 1994, “Wear your trainers and beat disease” has raised more than half of the sums devoted by ELA to financing medical research and support for families.
The schools that participate in the “Wear your trainers” operation can sponsor a school, a college, a high school… The more schools participate, the more they allow ELA to develop its action.
Sponsor a school by clicking here