The concept
How does it work?
• Your donation : 1 step = 1 euro cent for ELA or a free donation to the association.
• A single objective: to take as many steps as possible for the children of ELA.
A turnkey operation
We provide you with an organisation kit that will allow you to facilitate the preparation and deployment of your operation, but also to raise awareness and mobilise your employees and to communicate about your commitment.
This kit includes
• A practical guide to events
• Communication materials (video, sample e-mails, posters…) on leukodystrophies
• Instructions for use of the application
A mobilisation kit with goodies is also available.

A mobile application counts your steps
ELA’s mobile application “Mets tes baskets” is available in several languages and allows you to organise your challenge by individual or team ranking, to visualise in real time the steps taken and to communicate with the participants by sending them notifications during the challenge.
Your operation, your date
Organise the operation on a date of your choice or choose a date from the 2024 solidarity calendar:
• International rare disease day: February 29
• Walk to work day: April 5
• “Wear your trainers and beat disease at work” International Day: Thursday June 6
• Quality of Life at Work week (QWL) : from June 17 to 21
• Paris 2024 Olympic Games: from July 26 to August 11
• Paris 2024 Paralympic Games: from August 28 to September 8
• National week “Wear your trainers and beat disease”: from October 14 to 19
• European Disability Employment Week (EDEW): November
• World operation Giving Tuesday: December 3