
International research

The aim of ELA is to help French and international research laboratories better understand the mechanisms of the disease, identify the genes responsible for it and develop new therapeutic strategies to combat leukodystrophies. Each year, ELA issues a call for proposals and invites the international scientific community to submit research projects in the field of genetic leukodystrophy, white matter brain damage in premature infants and myelin repair. Regularly, ELA organizes a scientific congress bringing together the leading international experts in leukodystrophy and myelin repair. A symposium dedicated to patients and their families is organized every year. On this occasion, specialists in leukodystrophy give a popularized information on the advances of the research and answer their questions. It is a unique moment of exchanges between researchers, families and patients.

ELA is one of the leading providers of leukodystrophy research. To date, 550 research projets have been funded for a total of 46,7 million euros.

The scientific committee
Main steps
Annual call for proposals
Exceptional call for proposals
Funded resaerch projets
Clinical trials
European Joint Program (EJP) on Rare Disease

Scientific events:
> Families/Researchers mettings
> Symposiums