Artisans Fleuristes Solidaires partners with ELA

From November 1st to December 31st, Artisans Fleuristes Solidaires are joining the fight against leukodystrophy with their bouquets for solidarity!

An independent, committed collective

Artisans Fleuristes Solidaires, an association under the French law of 1901, is an independent collective of florists who share common values linked to solidarity, commitment and support for major national causes. Its aim is to bring together all French florists in search of a new adventure, ready to mobilize and work to ensure that this initiative brings the hoped-for benefits to each and every one of them. It defends and supports the major national causes that motivate the French, and offers its members new levers for growth, new sales opportunities and new marketing tools.

Artisans Fleuristes Solidaires partenaires d'ELA

Give the gift of solidarity!

For the end of the year, Artisans Fleuristes Solidaires are running their “Bouquet Solidaire” operation in aid of ELA. For each Bouquet Solidaire (bouquet + vase) sold, €2 will be donated to the fight against leukodystrophy. This is your chance to give pleasure for a good cause, while supporting your local florist! He’ll design the bouquet to order and deliver it within 24 hours, or on a date you’ve predefined.

A competition

To celebrate the launch of this operation, Artisans Fleuristes Solidaires are launching a competition on their Facebook page and Instagram account. You can try to win a Bouquet Solidaire, as well as a set of ELA products. Visit their pages to find out more!

Many thanks to them for highlighting our fight!