Tony Estanguet, president of the Olympic Games Paris 2024
announces the certification Génération 2024 for the 2023-2024 campaign Wear your trainers : “Paris 2024 supports ELA for the opération Wear your trainers!”
For the next campaign “Wear your trainers”, we must go faster, higher, stronger, just like the athletes who will participate to the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024. For the launch of this team under the sign of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we have the chance to count on ony Estanguet, president of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024, Florent Pagny and Zinédine Zidane, honorary members of ELA.
announces the certification Génération 2024 for the 2023-2024 campaign Wear your trainers : “Paris 2024 supports ELA for the opération Wear your trainers!”
“To grow ELA team, we have to give ourself an ambitious goal : 1 million pupils to make all together 1 billion steps for sick children!”
“Nobody chooses the disease. It puts us all on equality. It allows us to realize and think “since life is so beautiful, I have to get all the energy to share it with others.””