All about rounding up at the till
To give shop customers the opportunity to round up their purchase to the nearest euro at the till to help a cause.
For example: at the till, a customer purchases for an amount of €14.67. He/she asks for the amount to be rounded up to €15, and therefore makes a donation of 33 cents to ELA.
This system is applicable to e-commerce sites.
It is variable depending on the number of clients and the duration.
This can be a one-off operation (several days or weeks) or a long-term operation (several months or years).
Rounding up at the checkout is a solidarity-based operation that offers shop customers the opportunity to round up the amount of their purchase to the nearest euro when they are at the till. The difference is donated to ELA.
• Rounding up is voluntary.
• It is calculated automatically.
• It is implemented in the payment system.
• The donation appears on the receipt, is not included in the company’s turnover and is not subject to VAT.
For customers:
• participating in a solidarity-based cause with very little impact on their purchasing power.
For the company:
• the procedure concretises social responsibility,
• the company’s image of good citizenship benefits,
• the company’s reputation is strengthened.