285,000 students read the ELA Dictation 2024

From Monday October 14 to Saturday October 19, 3,000 schools took part in the 21st edition of the ELA Dictation.

The Dictée d’ELA marks the launch of the 2024/2025 “Wear your trainers and beat disease” campaign. Written this year by Jean-Baptiste Andrea, winner of the Prix Goncourt 2023, and entitled “Les deux mondes”, it aims to raise students’ awareness of solidarity, respect for difference and fraternity, based on a common cause: the fight against leukodystrophies (serious genetic diseases that affect 20 to 40 children a week in Europe).

One billion steps for sick children

After the Dictation, it’s time for action with “Wear your trainers”! Schools often organize a race or sporting event inviting pupils to lend their legs to children suffering from leukodystrophy who can no longer use them. Prior to this, they raise funds in their immediate environment (family, neighbors…) to support medical research and the support of families affected by this terrible disease.

In the previous campaign, the students covered 1.1 billion steps. This year’s objective is to beat this record by mobilizing even more schools alongside ELA!


The mobilization continues!

Schools can take part on the date of their choice throughout the school year. The more schools get involved, the more likely we are to beat last year’s record!

“Le Coach ELA”, new mobilization anthem by Soprano

Committed to ELA’s fight against leukodystrophies for several years, Soprano has re-recorded his song “Le Coach”, adapting the lyrics to ELA’s fight. “Le Coach ELA” has become the emblematic song for the mobilization of young people. A video clip was produced with the help of The Mevel Crew.

Thanks to our readers!

Throughout the week, personalities from the worlds of education, entertainment, sport and the media visited schools to read the Dictée d’ELA to pupils. Our warmest thanks to them!